Here’s a list of 370 frequently used adjectives in the German language:

1. groß (big, large)
2. klein (small, little)
3. alt (old)
4. jung (young)
5. neu (new)
6. gut (good)
7. schlecht (bad)
8. schön (beautiful)
9. hässlich (ugly)
10. warm (warm)
11. kalt (cold)
12. heiß (hot)
13. lang (long)
14. kurz (short)
15. dick (thick, fat)
16. dünn (thin)
17. schwer (heavy)
18. leicht (light)
19. teuer (expensive)
20. billig (cheap)
21. schnell (fast)
22. langsam (slow)
23. einfach (simple, easy)
24. schwierig (difficult)
25. interessant (interesting)
26. langweilig (boring)
27. altmodisch (old-fashioned)
28. modern (modern)
29. sauber (clean)
30. schmutzig (dirty)
31. reich (rich)
32. arm (poor)
33. laut (loud)
34. leise (quiet)
35. freundlich (friendly)
36. unfreundlich (unfriendly)
37. nett (nice, kind)
38. böse (evil, angry)
39. traurig (sad)
40. glücklich (happy)
41. müde (tired)
42. wach (awake)
43. gesund (healthy)
44. krank (sick)
45. stark (strong)
46. schwach (weak)
47. dünn (thin, slim)
48. fett (fat)
49. lustig (funny)
50. ernst (serious)
51. gefährlich (dangerous)
52. sicher (safe)
53. fleißig (hardworking)
54. faul (lazy)
55. hungrig (hungry)
56. satt (full, not hungry)
57. durstig (thirsty)
58. schwer (heavy, difficult)
59. leicht (easy, light)
60. hell (bright, light)
61. dunkel (dark)
62. teuer (expensive)
63. billig (cheap)
64. stark (strong)
65. schwach (weak)
66. traurig (sad)
67. glücklich (happy)
68. alt (old)
69. jung (young)
70. klug (smart)
71. dumm (stupid)
72. leise (quiet)
73. laut (loud)
74. müde (tired)
75. wach (awake)
76. warm (warm)
77. kalt (cold)
78. freundlich (friendly)
79. unfreundlich (unfriendly)
80. bequem (comfortable)
81. unbequem (uncomfortable)
82. teuer (expensive)
83. günstig (affordable, favorable)
84. sauber (clean)
85. schmutzig (dirty)
86. dick (thick, fat)
87. dünn (thin, slim)
88. gut (good)
89. schlecht (bad)
90. gesund (healthy)
91. krank (sick)
92. großartig (great)
93. winzig (tiny)
94. spannend (exciting)
95. langweilig (boring)
96. friedlich (peaceful)
97. aggressiv (aggressive)
98. heiß (hot)
99. kühl (cool)
100. rund (round)
101. eckig (angular)
102. weich (soft)
103. hart (hard)
104. trocken (dry)
105. nass (wet)
106. flach (flat)
107. hügelig (hilly)
108. lebendig (alive, lively)
109. tot (dead)
110. offen (open)
111. geschlossen (closed)
112. schüchtern (shy)
113. selbstbewusst (confident)
114. kreativ (creative)
115. praktisch (practical)
116. theoretisch (theoretical)
117. warmherzig (warm-hearted)
118. kaltblütig (cold-blooded)
119. tapfer (brave)
120. feige (cowardly)
121. hartnäckig (persistent)
122. nachgiebig (yielding)
123. egoistisch (selfish)
124. großzügig (generous)
125. höflich (polite)
126. unhöflich (rude)
127. geizig (stingy)
128. großzügig (generous)
129. sensibel (sensitive)
130. unsensibel (insensitive)
131. ernsthaft (serious)
132. humorvoll (humorous)
133. vorsichtig (careful)
134. leichtsinnig (careless)
135. pünktlich (punctual)
136. unpünktlich (late)
137. zuverlässig (reliable)
138. unzuverlässig (unreliable)
139. treu (loyal)
140. untreu (disloyal)
141. geduldig (patient)
142. ungeduldig (impatient)
143. ordentlich (tidy)
144. unordentlich (messy)
145. mutig (brave)
146. feige (cowardly)
147. fleißig (hardworking)
148. faul (lazy)
149. kreativ (creative)
150. praktisch (practical)
151. realistisch (realistic)
152. idealistisch (idealistic)
153. spontan (spontaneous)
154. geplant (planned)
155. optimistisch (optimistic)
156. pessimistisch (pessimistic)
157. direkt (direct)
158. indirekt (indirect)
159. vorsichtig (careful)
160. unvorsichtig (careless)
161. einfach (simple)
162. komplex (complex)
163. ruhig (calm, quiet)
164. nervös (nervous)
165. bekannt (famous)
166. unbekannt (unknown)
167. wichtig (important)
168. unwichtig (unimportant)
169. leicht (easy, light)
170. schwer (hard, heavy)
171. flach (flat)
172. tief (deep)
173. schnell (fast)
174. langsam (slow)
175. trocken (dry)
176. nass (wet)
177. sauber (clean)
178. schmutzig (dirty)
179. freundlich (friendly)
180. unfreundlich (unfriendly)
181. mutig (courageous)
182. ängstlich (fearful)
183. schön (beautiful)
184. hässlich (ugly)
185. faul (lazy)
186. fleißig (hardworking)
187. dünn (thin)
188. dick (fat)
189. stark (strong)
190. schwach (weak)
191. interessant (interesting)
192. langweilig (boring)
193. intelligent (intelligent)
194. dumm (stupid)
195. reich (rich)
196. arm (poor)
197. sicher (safe)
198. gefährlich (dangerous)
199. früh (early)
200. spät (late)
201. einfach (easy, simple)
202. kompliziert (complicated)
203. leer (empty)
204. voll (full)
205. froh (glad, happy)
206. traurig (sad)
207. gesund (healthy)
208. krank (ill)
209. warm (warm)
210. kühl (cool)
211. rund (round)
212. eckig (angular)
213. weich (soft)
214. hart (hard)
215. still (silent)
216. laut (loud)
217. hell (bright)
218. dunkel (dark)
219. teuer (expensive)
220. günstig (affordable)
221. scharf (sharp, spicy)
222. mild (mild)
223. süß (sweet)
224. sauer (sour)
225. bitter (bitter)
226. salzig (salty)
227. heiß (hot)
228. warm (warm)
229. kalt (cold)
230. kühl (cool)
231. einfach (simple)
232. komplex (complex)
233. gut (good)
234. schlecht (bad)
235. gesund (healthy)
236. krank (sick)
237. spannend (exciting)
238. langweilig (boring)
239. mutig (brave)
240. feige (cowardly)
241. pünktlich (punctual)
242. unpünktlich (late)
243. ruhig (calm)
244. nervös (nervous)
245. groß (big)
246. klein

247. stark (strong)
248. schwach (weak)
249. voll (full)
250. leer (empty)
251. klar (clear)
252. unklar (unclear)
253. richtig (right, correct)
254. falsch (wrong)
255. zufrieden (satisfied)
256. unzufrieden (dissatisfied)
257. schwer (heavy)
258. leicht (light, easy)
259. alt (old)
260. neu (new)
261. hell (bright)
262. dunkel (dark)
263. lang (long)
264. kurz (short)
265. schön (beautiful)
266. hässlich (ugly)
267. schnell (fast)
268. langsam (slow)
269. teuer (expensive)
270. billig (cheap)
271. nett (nice)
272. gemein (mean)
273. freundlich (friendly)
274. unfreundlich (unfriendly)
275. intelligent (intelligent)
276. dumm (stupid)
277. laut (loud)
278. leise (quiet)
279. gut (good)
280. schlecht (bad)
281. einfach (easy, simple)
282. schwierig (difficult)
283. gesund (healthy)
284. krank (sick)
285. warm (warm)
286. kalt (cold)
287. alt (old)
288. jung (young)
289. groß (big, tall)
290. klein (small, short)
291. dick (fat)
292. dünn (thin)
293. stark (strong)
294. schwach (weak)
295. schnell (fast)
296. langsam (slow)
297. sauber (clean)
298. schmutzig (dirty)
299. offen (open)
300. geschlossen (closed)
301. teuer (expensive)
302. billig (cheap)
303. laut (loud)
304. leise (quiet)
305. warm (warm)
306. kalt (cold)
307. lang (long)
308. kurz (short)
309. schön (beautiful)
310. hässlich (ugly)
311. stark (strong)
312. schwach (weak)
313. froh (glad, happy)
314. traurig (sad)
315. hungrig (hungry)
316. satt (full)
317. müde (tired)
318. wach (awake)
319. durstig (thirsty)
320. klug (smart)
321. dumm (stupid)
322. warm (warm)
323. kühl (cool)
324. freundlich (friendly)
325. unfreundlich (unfriendly)
326. groß (big)
327. klein (small)
328. sauber (clean)
329. schmutzig (dirty)
330. schnell (fast)
331. langsam (slow)
332. alt (old)
333. neu (new)
334. intelligent (intelligent)
335. dumm (stupid)
336. gesund (healthy)
337. krank (sick)
338. teuer (expensive)
339. billig (cheap)
340. schön (beautiful)
341. hässlich (ugly)
342. lang (long)
343. kurz (short)
344. schwer (heavy)
345. leicht (light, easy)
346. nett (nice)
347. gemein (mean)
348. glücklich (happy)
349. traurig (sad)
350. mutig (brave)
351. feige (cowardly)
352. laut (loud)
353. leise (quiet)
354. spannend (exciting)
355. langweilig (boring)
356. reich (rich)
357. arm (poor)
358. stark (strong)
359. schwach (weak)
360. hell (bright)
361. dunkel (dark)
362. früh (early)
363. spät (late)
364. freundlich (friendly)
365. unfreundlich (unfriendly)
366. mutig (brave)
367. feige (cowardly)
368. sicher (safe)
369. gefährlich (dangerous)
370. froh (happy, glad)