German Word | English Translation |
die neue Wohnung | the new apartment |
das Zimmer | the room |
das Fenster | the window |
die Tische | the tables |
die Kommode | the dresser |
der Keller | the basement |
das Möbelhaus | the furniture store |
die Haltestellen | the bus stops |
der Drogeriemarkt | the drug store |
die Seife | the soap |
um die Ecke | around the corner |
gefallen | to like |
stellen | to put |
die Regale | the shelves |
andere | other |
gemütlich | cozy |
der Spiegel | the mirror |
der Bleistift | the pencil |
legen | to put |
der Boden | the floor |
die Zeitschriften | the magazines |
der Schlüssel | the key |
finden | to find |
das Fußballtraining | the soccer practice |
reden | to talk |
gemein | mean |
los | go |
das Stoppschild | the stop sign |
vorsichtig | careful |
pass auf | watch out |
der Motorroller | the scooter |
langsamer | slower |
vorne | front |
entschuldigen sie bitte | excuse me |
der Bart | the beard |
der Meter | the meter |
die Augen | the eyes |
die Haare | the hair |
reinkommen | to come in |
kommen | to come |
gestresst | stressed |
1. Order in a cafe, describe your family
2. Use adjectives, greet people
4. Say where you're from, talk about work
7. Speak formally, shop at a market
9. Use the accusative case, describe language skills
11. Use modals, describe a new apartment
13. Discuss train travel, order at a restaurant
15. Talk about birthdays, make plans to go out
18. Discuss Oktoberfest, use ordinal numbers
21. Refer to extended family, talk about food likes
24. Discuss a new job, talk about your habits
26. Plan dinner, use complex verbs
28. Use the dative case, plan a barbecue
30. Form compound words, invite someone to a party
32. Use dative pronouns, form comparative adjectives
34. Ask for help, express opinions
36. Describe item locations, discuss a bad day
38. Use large numbers, describe your vacation