German Word | English Translation |
der Löwe | the lion |
die Löwen | the lions |
die Giraffe | the giraffe |
das Kaninchen | the rabbit |
die Sauna | the sauna |
üben | to practice |
über | about |
der Witz | the joke |
die Witze | the jokes |
nerven | to annoy |
lachen | to laugh |
erzählen | to tell or explain |
die Tiere | the animals |
normal | normal |
die Butter | butter |
die Sandwiches | the sandwiches |
täglich | daily |
die Süßigkeiten | the sweets |
die Salami | salami |
das Hobby | the hobby |
fotografieren | to take pictures |
Ski fahren | to ski |
segeln | to sail |
das Zelt | the tent |
der Golf | the golf |
langweiliger | more boring |
fragen | to ask |
die Tierärztin | veterinarian (female) |
der Tierarzt | veterinarian (male) |
das Wartezimmer | waiting room |
beeilen | to hurry |
eineinhalb | one and a half |
da | there |
worüber | about what |
was gibt's neues | what's new |
das Studium | the study |
das Semester | the semester |
schwierig | difficult |
noch | still |
der Schluss | the end |
abwaschen | to wash (dishes) |
komisch | strange |
die ganze nacht | the whole night |
schnarchen | to snore |
der rentner | the retiree |
echt | really |
gesehen | seen |
neuen film | new movie |
das Surfbrett | the surfboard |
Island | Iceland |
die Mitbewohnern | the roommates |
sauer | angry |
das Mittagessen | the lunch |
die Termine | the appointments |
weg | away |
1. Order in a cafe, describe your family
2. Use adjectives, greet people
4. Say where you're from, talk about work
7. Speak formally, shop at a market
9. Use the accusative case, describe language skills
11. Use modals, describe a new apartment
13. Discuss train travel, order at a restaurant
15. Talk about birthdays, make plans to go out
18. Discuss Oktoberfest, use ordinal numbers
21. Refer to extended family, talk about food likes
24. Discuss a new job, talk about your habits
26. Plan dinner, use complex verbs
28. Use the dative case, plan a barbecue
30. Form compound words, invite someone to a party
32. Use dative pronouns, form comparative adjectives
34. Ask for help, express opinions
36. Describe item locations, discuss a bad day
38. Use large numbers, describe your vacation