German Word | English Translation |
gespielt | played |
ziemlich | pretty |
die Beine | the legs |
der Sportverein | the sports club |
der Samstagabend | the Saturday evening |
gegrillt | grilled |
der neue Grill | the new grill |
der Burger | the burger |
der Vegetarier | the vegetarian |
die Zwiebeln | the onions |
die Pilze | the mushrooms |
das Fest | the party |
getanzt | danced |
ganz | whole |
sagen | to say |
der Flohmarkt | the flea market |
gekauft | bought |
die Rollschuhe | the roller skates |
der Bierkrug | the beer mug |
gekostet | tasted |
der Mantel | the coat |
voll | full |
der Sonntagabend | the Sunday evening |
gekocht | cooked |
die Schürze | the apron |
der Gurkensalat | the cucumber salad |
gemacht | made |
1. Order in a cafe, describe your family
2. Use adjectives, greet people
4. Say where you're from, talk about work
7. Speak formally, shop at a market
9. Use the accusative case, describe language skills
11. Use modals, describe a new apartment
13. Discuss train travel, order at a restaurant
15. Talk about birthdays, make plans to go out
18. Discuss Oktoberfest, use ordinal numbers
21. Refer to extended family, talk about food likes
24. Discuss a new job, talk about your habits
26. Plan dinner, use complex verbs
28. Use the dative case, plan a barbecue
30. Form compound words, invite someone to a party
32. Use dative pronouns, form comparative adjectives
34. Ask for help, express opinions
36. Describe item locations, discuss a bad day
38. Use large numbers, describe your vacation